Source code for FingerPrint.composer

# LC
# creates a swirl archive from a swirl file 
# creates a roll from a swirl archive

import os, string, stat, logging
import tempfile
import shutil
import tarfile
import platform, glob

import sergeant, utils

# compatibility with python2.4
if "any" not in dir(__builtins__):
    from FingerPrint.utils import any

def_base_dir = "output"
def_exec_dir = os.path.join(def_base_dir, "bin")
def_lib_dir = os.path.join(def_base_dir, "lib")
def_data_dir = os.path.join(def_base_dir, "data")
def_swirl_path = os.path.join(def_base_dir, "output.swirl")

logger = logging.getLogger('fingerprint')

# let's skip vairous private files which should not be archived
specialFile = ["id_rsa", "", "id_dsa", "", "known_hosts", ".Xauthority"]

[docs]def is_special_file(path): """ :type path: string :param path: a path to a file :rtype: bool :return: it returns true if the path points to a file which contains personal data """ return any([ path.endswith(i) for i in specialFile ])
[docs]class Archiver: """ Given an already created swirl it creates a Swirl archive :type sergeant: :class:`FingerPrint.sergeant.Sergeant` :param sergeant: An instance of sergenat class pointing to the swirl we want to archive :type archive_filename: string :param archive_filename: string containing the output file name for the archive """ def __init__(self, sergeant, archive_filename): """ Default constructor """ self.sergeant = sergeant self.archive_filename = archive_filename
[docs] def archive(self): """ It triggers the creation of the archive. :rtype: bool :return: it returns false in case of failure """ #we need a valid swirl if not self.sergeant.check(): logger.error("The fingerprint " + self.sergeant.filename + " fails:\n " + "\n ".join(self.sergeant.getError()) + "\n\nThe archive creation failed.\n") return False # prepare the folders for the tar base_tar = tempfile.mkdtemp() base_path = os.path.join(base_tar, def_base_dir) os.mkdir(base_path) # copy all the files referenced by this swirl for swf in self.sergeant.swirl.swirlFiles: if swf.path[0] == '$' or sergeant.is_special_folder(swf.path) or \ is_special_file(swf.path): #TODO maybe we could keep user data into a special folder? # this file belongs to the special folders let's skip it continue if os.path.exists(swf.path) and swf.md5sum: # the file was not a temporary file dest_path_dir = os.path.join(base_path, swf.md5sum) dest_path_full = os.path.join(dest_path_dir, os.path.basename(swf.path)) if not os.path.exists(dest_path_full): # do not copy twice the same file if not os.path.exists(dest_path_dir): os.mkdir(dest_path_dir) shutil.copy2(swf.path, dest_path_dir) if sergeant.prelink : utils.getOutputAsList([sergeant.prelink, "-u", dest_path_full]) #for i in swf.links: # new_link = os.path.join(temp_path, os.path.basename(i)) # if not os.path.exists( new_link ): # os.symlink( os.path.basename(swf.path), new_link) # copy the swirl itself shutil.copy2(self.sergeant.filename, os.path.join(base_tar, def_swirl_path)) # let's do the tar tar =, "w:gz") cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(base_tar) tar.add(".") tar.close() os.chdir(cwd) shutil.rmtree(base_tar) return True
[docs]class Roller: """ this class make a roll out of an fingerprint archive :type archive_filename: string :param archive_filename: a path to the Swirl Archive file :type roll_name: string :param roll_name: the name of the roll that we want to create """ # this is a list of rpm packages which are broken or known to cause problem #TODO unify this with the excludeRPMs in the _get_package_from_dep _excluded_packages = ["fftw"] # fftw rocks rpm is compiled only statically # these varaibles will be merged (prepended) with the local variable values # in the wrapper script _append_variables = ['PATH', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'LD_PRELOAD'] # where all the remapped file will be placed _remapper_base_path = "/opt/rocks/remapper/" _remapper_executable = "/opt/rocks/bin/remapper" def __init__(self, archive_filename, roll_name): """ """ self.archive_filename = archive_filename self.roll_name = roll_name import yum self.yb = yum.YumBase()
[docs] def make_roll(self, fingerprint_base_path, use_remapping = False): """ It creates a roll from a swirl archive. :type fingerprint_base_path: string :param fingerprint_base_path: a string pointing to the base path of the fingerprint source code. Used to find the remapper source code :type use_remapping: bool :param use_remapping: if True it will use the remapper technology when creating the roll :rtype: bool :return: it returns false in case of failure """ if not os.path.exists(self.archive_filename) : logger.error("The file " + self.archive_filename + " does not exist" + " (specify a different one with -f option)") return False # this is the list of package we will have to hadd self.packages = set() self.skipped_swfs = set() # this is a list of swirlFile which will need to be installed # the additional self.files[0].source_path attribute has been added self.files = [] # keeps track of already processed package in self._resolve_file() # so we do not process a package twice self.processed_package = [] # internal swirl package we want to include in the final rpm self.wanted_pcks = set() # list of rpm pakcage we have to exclude self.disable_pcks = set() # # ---------------- read the content of the archive # temp_workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()"Extracting archive in %s..." % temp_workdir) tar_tmp_dir = os.path.join(temp_workdir, def_base_dir) archive_file =, 'r:gz') archive_file.extractall(temp_workdir) archive_file.close() # open swirl"Reading swirl %s" % os.path.join(temp_workdir, def_swirl_path)) self.swirl = sergeant.readFromPickle(os.path.join(temp_workdir, def_swirl_path)).swirl # # ---------------- recursively resolve all dependencies of the execedFile # for swf in self.swirl.execedFiles: self._resolve_file(swf, use_remapping) logger.debug("Dependency resolution terminated. Skipped swirl Files:\n - " + '\n - '.join([i.path for i in self.skipped_swfs])) # # ---------------- make rpms with all the files # # list of user that should be added self.users = set() rpm_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() home_rpm_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() rpm_list = set() remapper_rpm_tmp_dir = rpm_tmp_dir + self._remapper_base_path # laydown the file for swf in self.files: source_path = os.path.join(tar_tmp_dir, str(swf.md5sum), os.path.basename(swf.path)) if not os.path.exists(source_path) : # if the file is not in the archive do not go on logger.debug("File " + source_path + " is not present in the archive") continue # if use_remapping = true swf must be executable # if use_remapping = false just follow the first swf.path.startswith("/home/") if swf.path.startswith("/home/"): # files in /home need special treatment 1. we need to create a user # 2 they need to go in /export/home only on the Frontend rpm_list.add((home_rpm_tmp_dir,self.roll_name + "-home")) tmp_user = swf.path.split("/home/",1)[1] self.users.add(tmp_user.split("/",1)[0]) rpm_prefix_dir = home_rpm_tmp_dir + "/export" else: rpm_list.add((rpm_tmp_dir,self.roll_name)) rpm_prefix_dir = rpm_tmp_dir dest_path = rpm_prefix_dir + swf.path if not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(dest_path) ): os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(dest_path) ) if getattr(swf, 'executable', False): # we need a wrapper script to set the environment shutil.copy2(source_path, dest_path + ".orig") f=open(dest_path, 'w') f.write("#!/bin/bash\n\n") ldconf_written = False env = None if 'ELF' not in swf.type: # this is not a ELF but is a script so we need to get the # env from its parent swirl file (the interpreter) for execswf in self.swirl.execedFiles: if swf in execswf.openedFiles[execswf.path]: env = execswf.env break else: env = swf.env if env == None: logger.error('Unable to find interpreter for ', swf) logger.error('Failing on ', swf) return False for env_variable in env: if '=' not in env_variable: continue if env_variable.startswith('HYDI'): # MVAPICH 2.x HYDI_CONTROL_FD is used be hydra_proxy_mpi to comunicate # subprocesses the control socket continue variable_name = env_variable.split('=')[0] variable_value = env_variable.split('=')[1] if any([ env_variable.startswith(i) for i in self._append_variables]): # for these variables we want to add their content to # the corresponding system variable values if self.swirl.ldconf_paths and env_variable.startswith('LD_LIBRARY_PATH'): variable_value = variable_value + ':' + ':'.join(self.swirl.ldconf_paths) ldconf_written = True f.write("export " + variable_name + "=\"" + variable_value + ":$" + variable_name + "\"\n") else: # for all the other variables we simply want to define them # if they are not already defined them f.write("if [ -z \"$" + variable_name + "\" ]; then export " + variable_name + "=\"" + variable_value + "\"; fi\n") if not ldconf_written and self.swirl.ldconf_paths: f.write("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"" + ':'.join( self.swirl.ldconf_paths ) + ':$LD_LIBRARY_PATH\"\n') f.write("\n") if use_remapping and 'ELF' in swf.type: f.write(self._remapper_executable + " ") loader = self.swirl.getLoader(swf) if loader: f.write(self._remapper_base_path +\ loader.path + " ") f.write(swf.path + ".orig $@\n") f.close() os.chmod(dest_path, 0755) else: if use_remapping: tmp_path = remapper_rpm_tmp_dir + os.path.dirname(swf.path) if not os.path.exists(tmp_path): os.makedirs(tmp_path) shutil.copy2(source_path, tmp_path + '/' + os.path.basename(swf.path)) else: shutil.copy2(source_path, dest_path) # if use remapping we don't need the symlinks if use_remapping and not getattr(swf, 'executable', False): continue # and the symlinks for i in swf.links: dest_link = rpm_prefix_dir + i # source link must be without the rpm_tmp_dir part if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dest_link)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest_link)) os.symlink( swf.path, dest_link) # # ---------------- create file mapping and include remapper in the RPM # if use_remapping : if not os.path.exists(rpm_tmp_dir + "/etc"): os.mkdir(rpm_tmp_dir + "/etc") make_mapping_file(self.files, rpm_tmp_dir + "/etc/fp_mapping", self._remapper_base_path) build_remapper_path = fingerprint_base_path + '/remapper' (output, retcode) = utils.getOutputAsList( ["make", "-C", build_remapper_path] ) if retcode : logger.error("Unable to built remapper") logger.error("You need to install make and gcc") logger.error(" > " + "\n > ".join(output)) return False logger.debug(' > '+ '\n > '.join(output)) remapper_basedir = rpm_tmp_dir + os.path.dirname(self._remapper_executable) if not os.path.exists(remapper_basedir): os.makedirs(remapper_basedir) shutil.copy2(build_remapper_path + "/remapper", remapper_basedir) #let's notify we have to build the base RPM rpm_list.add((rpm_tmp_dir,self.roll_name)) # # ---------------- files are in place so let's make the RPMs # for (base_dir, rpm_name) in rpm_list: if self._make_rpm(base_dir, rpm_name): if '-home-' not in rpm_name: self.packages.add(rpm_name) else: return False shutil.rmtree(temp_workdir) # # ---------------- create roll copy files there and build #"Creating roll " + self.roll_name) (output, retcode) = utils.getOutputAsList( ["rocks", "create", "new", "roll", self.roll_name] ) if retcode : logger.error("Unable to create the roll") if os.path.exists(self.roll_name): logger.error("Remove the direcotry: rm -rf %s" % (self.roll_name)) logger.error(" > " + "\n > ".join(output)) return False shutil.rmtree(self.roll_name + "/src/" + self.roll_name) shutil.rmtree(self.roll_name + "/src/usersguide") os.remove(self.roll_name + "/nodes/" + self.roll_name + ".xml") dest = self.roll_name + "/RPMS/" + platform.machine() os.makedirs(dest) # copying global RPM source = glob.glob(self.roll_name + "-1.0-*.rpm") if len(source) == 1:"Coping RPM in: " + dest + "/" + source[0]) shutil.copy2(source[0], dest) # create the base-nodea.xml node_base_xml = self._node_base_xml_top # 1. install packages for package in self.packages: node_base_xml += '<package>' + package + '</package>\n' # 2. remove pakcages for package in self.disable_pcks: node_base_xml += '<package>-' + package + '</package>\n' # 3. set the paths new_paths = set() for swf in self.swirl.execedFiles: new_paths |= set([os.path.dirname(i) for i in swf.getPaths()]) node_base_xml += self._node_base_xml_bottom % (self.roll_name, ' '.join(new_paths)) self._write_file(self.roll_name + "/nodes/" + self.roll_name + "-base.xml", node_base_xml) # copying -home- RPM source = glob.glob(self.roll_name + "-home-1.0-*.rpm") if len(source) == 1:"Coping RPM in: " + dest + "/" + source[0]) shutil.copy2(source[0], dest) # create the server-node self._write_file(self.roll_name + "/nodes/" + self.roll_name + "-server.xml", self._node_server_xml % (self.roll_name, ' '.join(self.users))) # create the graph xml self._write_file(self.roll_name + "/graphs/default/" + self.roll_name + ".xml", self._graph_node_xml % (self.roll_name, self.roll_name, self.roll_name)) # make the roll os.chdir(self.roll_name) (output, retcode) = utils.getOutputAsList(["make", "roll"]) os.chdir("..") roll_path = glob.glob(self.roll_name + "/" + self.roll_name + "*.iso") if retcode or len(roll_path) < 1: # error :-( logger.error("Unable to make the roll") logger.error(' > ' + '\n > '.join(output)) return False logger.error("Roll %s succesfully created.\nTo add it to your distribution:" % roll_path[0]) logger.error("rocks add roll " + roll_path[0]) logger.error("rocks enable roll " + self.roll_name) logger.error("cd /export/rocks/install") logger.error("rocks create distro") logger.error("rocks run roll " + self.roll_name + " | bash") return True
def _write_file(self, file_name, string): """write string into file_name and log it""""Writing file: " + file_name) logger.debug(" > " + "\n > ".join(string.split("\n"))) f = open(file_name, 'w') f.write(string) f.close() def _make_rpm(self, base_path, rpm_name): """ makes an rpm called rpm_name starting from base_path return False if something went wrong """ # rocks create package "/tmp/tmpAFDASDF/*" pakcagename prefix=/"RPM " + rpm_name + " root dir " + base_path) (output, retcode) = utils.getOutputAsList( ["rocks", "create", "package", base_path + "/*", rpm_name, "prefix=/"]) if any([i for i in output if 'RPM build errors' in i ]): logger.error(' > ' + '\n > '.join(output)) logger.error("Error building " + rpm_name + " RPM package\n") return False logger.debug(' > '+ '\n > '.join(output)) shutil.rmtree(base_path) return True def _resolve_file(self, swirl_file, use_remapping = False): """ this function recursively try to resolve the swirlFile this function will add the package name to self.packages if it can find an rpm which can sattisfy it, if not, it will add this swirlf_file to the self.files """ if swirl_file in self.files or swirl_file in self.processed_package: return self.processed_package.append(swirl_file) # if swirl_file.path in yum db add rpm to self.packages # else add swirl_file to self.files packages = [] if 'ELF' in swirl_file.type and swirl_file.executable \ and not (use_remapping and swirl_file.isLoader()): # executable and not a loader if we are using remppaing packages = self._get_package_from_dep([swirl_file.path]) elif 'ELF' in swirl_file.type and not swirl_file.executable and not use_remapping: # library # do not process it if we are using remapping packages = self._get_package_from_dep(swirl_file.getPaths(), False) elif swirl_file.path[0] == '$' or sergeant.is_special_folder(swirl_file.path) \ or is_special_file(swirl_file.path): # this file belongs to the special folders or it's a relative path return elif 'ELF' not in swirl_file.type: # data # TODO what do we do with this when we use remapping? packages = self._get_package_from_dep([swirl_file.path]) if packages : if len(packages) > 1 : error_message = "The file " + swirl_file.path + " " error_message += "is provided by more than one RPM: " + ", ".join(packages) error_message += "\nAdding " + packages[0] logger.error(error_message) if swirl_file.package not in self.wanted_pcks and \ packages[0] not in self._excluded_packages: self.skipped_swfs.add( swirl_file ) self.packages.add( packages[0] ) # so we found a package which can handle this swf but we should still process its # opened file in case it is an interpreter self._process_open_file(swirl_file, use_remapping) logger.debug("Adding package " + packages[0] + " for swirl " + swirl_file.path) return else: self.disable_pcks |= set(packages) logger.debug("Adding swirl: " + swirl_file.path) if 'ELF' in swirl_file.type and not use_remapping: # for ELF swf if we select the we also want to carry all its dynamic libraries # even if their name matches an available package for this reason we use wanted_pcks self.wanted_pcks.add(swirl_file.package) self.files.append(swirl_file) # # for each swf in swirlFile.all_dependencies # if not already in self.files _resolve_file(swf) deps = self.swirl.getListSwirlFileProvide( swirl_file.staticDependencies )+\ swirl_file.dynamicDependencies for new_swf in deps: if new_swf not in self.files: #this file is already in the included files self._resolve_file(new_swf, use_remapping) self._process_open_file(swirl_file, use_remapping) def _process_open_file(self, swirl_file, use_remapping): """ scan the open files of this swirl """ for exec_file in swirl_file.openedFiles: for open_file in swirl_file.openedFiles[exec_file]: if open_file not in self.files: self._resolve_file(open_file, use_remapping) def _get_package_from_dep(self, package_name, match_all = True): """ given a list of requires it return a list of packages name which can satisfy them and they are available in the currently enabled yum repository """ import yum excludeRPMs = ["foundation-", "rocks-ekv", "condor"] matched = [] for dep in package_name: if '(GLIBC_PRIVATE)' in dep: # glibc_private is not tracked in the rpm database so skip it continue matches = self.yb.searchPackageProvides( [dep] ) if len(matches) > 0: for rpm in matches: if all([ i not in for i in excludeRPMs ]): matched.append(rpm) elif match_all: # we can't satisfy this dep so let's fail return [] else: pass # do I need to exclude the installed RPM from the return list? # if 'installed' not in ] return list(set([ + "." + pkg.arch for pkg in yum.misc.unique(matched)])) def _useRPMPackage(self, package_name): """ return true if the package_name is available in the current yum database and package_name is the same version as the one available in the local yum DB TODO unused at the moment """ #this whole thing will run only on REDHAT system import yum #remove versioning from the name s = package_name #remove arch i = s.rsplit(".", 1) if len(i) > 0 : arch = i[1] else: arch = "" s = i[0] #remove rpm version i = s.rsplit("-", 1) if len(i) > 0 : rpm_ver = i[1] else: rpm_ver = "" s = i[0] #remove software version i = s.rsplit("-", 1) if len(i) > 0 : soft_ver = i[1] else: sorf_ver = "" package_short_name = i[0] # force arch while searching for packages package_short_name += "." + arch yb = yum.YumBase() pl = yb.doPackageLists('all') exactmatch, matched, unmatched = yum.packages.parsePackages(pl.available + pl.installed, ["list", package_short_name]) #exactmatch = yum.misc.unique(exactmatch) #for i in exactmatch: # print "p: ", i if len(exactmatch) > 0 : big_pkg = exactmatch[0] for pkg in exactmatch: if pkg.verGT(big_pkg): big_pkg = pkg if str(big_pkg) == package_name: return True else: return False def _findWhoProvides(self, dependencies): """ """ matches = yum.YumBase.searchPackageProvides(self, [str(depstring)]) _graph_node_xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <graph> <description> The FingerPrint Roll </description> <edge from="client"> <to>%s-base</to> </edge> <edge from="server"> <to>%s-server</to> <to>%s-base</to> </edge> </graph>''' _node_server_xml = '''<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <kickstart> <description> FingerPrint roll </description> <package>%s-home</package> <post> users="%s" for i in $users; do /usr/sbin/useradd -m $i #skel was not copied by useradd so we need to do it manually /bin/cp -r /etc/skel/.[a-zA-Z0-9]* /export/home/$i/ /bin/chown -R $i:$i /export/home/$i done </post> </kickstart>''' _node_base_xml_top = '''<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <kickstart> <description> FingerPrint </description> ''' _node_base_xml_bottom = ''' <post> <file name="/etc/profile.d/" perms="0755"> #!/bin/bash dirs="%s" for dir in $dirs; do if [ -d ${dir} ]; then if ! echo ${PATH} | /bin/grep -q ${dir} ; then export PATH=${dir}:${PATH} fi fi done </file> </post> </kickstart> '''
[docs]def make_mapping_file(sw_files, output_file, base_path): """ this function makes a mapping file for the remapper process""" file_desc = open(output_file, 'w') for swf in sw_files: if getattr(swf, 'executable', False): # this should not be in the mapping file # since executable are left in the original path continue for path in swf.getPaths(): if path[0] != '$' and swf.md5sum: file_desc.write(path + '\t' + base_path[:-1] + swf.path +'\n') file_desc.close()