Source code for FingerPrint.ptrace.ctypes_errno

Function get_errno(): get the current errno value.

Try different implementations:
 - ctypes_support.get_errno() function
 - __errno_location_sym symbol from the C library
 - PyErr_SetFromErrno() from the C Python API

get_errno = None
    from ctypes_support import get_errno
except ImportError:

if not get_errno:
    from ctypes import POINTER, c_int

    def _errno_location():
        Try to get errno integer from libc using __errno_location_sym function.

        This function is specific to OS with "" and may fails for
        thread-safe libc.
        from ctypes import cdll
            libc = cdll.LoadLibrary("")
        except OSError:
            # Unable to open libc dynamic library
            return None
            __errno_location = libc.__errno_location_sym
        except AttributeError:
            # libc doesn't have __errno_location
            return None
        __errno_location.restype = POINTER(c_int)
        return __errno_location()[0]

    errno = _errno_location()
    if errno is not None:
[docs] def get_errno(): # pyflakes warn about "undefined name", # but that's wrong: errno is defined! return errno
else: del errno if not get_errno: from ctypes import pythonapi, py_object # Function from pypy project: # File pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/ def _pythonapi_geterrno(): """ Read errno using Python C API: raise an exception with PyErr_SetFromErrno and then read error code 'errno'. This function may raise an RuntimeError. """ try: pythonapi.PyErr_SetFromErrno(py_object(OSError)) except OSError, err: return err.errno else: raise RuntimeError("get_errno() is unable to get error code") get_errno = _pythonapi_geterrno __all__ = ["get_errno"]