Source code for FingerPrint.sergeant

# LC
# read an already created swirl and check if it can be run of the current 
# system, which deps are missing, print on the screen current swirl

import os, string, stat

from swirl import Swirl
import utils
from FingerPrint.plugins import PluginManager
from FingerPrint.serializer import PickleSerializer

# compatibility with python2.4
    from hashlib import md5
except ImportError:
    from md5 import md5

# compatibility with python2.4
if "any" not in dir(__builtins__):
    from FingerPrint.utils import any

[docs]def readFromPickle(fileName): """ helper function to get a swirl from a filename :type fileName: string :param fileName: a relative or absolute path to the file to read :rtype: :class:`FingerPrint.swirl.Swirl` :return: the Swirl read from the file """ inputfd = open(fileName) pickle = PickleSerializer(inputfd) swirl = pickle.load() inputfd.close() serg = Sergeant(swirl) serg.setFilename(fileName) return serg
[docs]def getShortPath(path): """ Given a full path it shorten it leaving only /bin/../filename :type path: string :param path: a long absolute path to the file :rtype: string :return: the shortened path """ if len(path.split('/')) <= 3: #no need to shorten return '"' + path + '"' returnValue = '"' if path[0] == '/': # absolute path name returnValue += '/' + path.split('/')[1] else: returnValue += path.split('/')[0] return returnValue + '/../' + os.path.basename(path) + '"' # do we have a prelinker? # this variable is use by getHash and by the syscaltracer
if os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/prelink'): prelink = '/usr/sbin/prelink' else: prelink = utils.which("prelink", "/usr/sbin") #let's skip vairous special files specialFolders = ["/proc/","/sys/","/tmp", "/dev/", "/etc/shadow", "/etc/passwd", "/etc/group", "/etc/nsswitch.conf", "/etc/localtime", "/etc/hosts", "/etc/selinux", "/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/fstab", "/etc/inittab", "/etc/rc", "/etc/sys", "/etc/security", "/etc/pam", "/etc/ntp", "/etc/issue", "/etc/rpc", "/etc/grub", "/etc/krb5.conf"]
[docs]def is_special_folder(path): """ return true if path is to be considered special, which means it should be skipped from archivingi, checksumming, etc. :type path: string :param path: an absolute path to the file :rtype: bool :return: True if the given path is special """ return any([ path.startswith(i) for i in specialFolders ])
[docs]def getHash(fileName, fileType): """ It return a md5 checksum of the given file name. If we are running on a system which prelink binaries (aka RedHat based) the command prelink must be on the PATH :type fileName: string :param fileName: a path to the file which we want to checksum :type fileType: string :param fileType: the file type (the only recognized value is EFL for triggering the prelink on RHEL base system) :rtype: string :return: an hexdadeciaml representation of the md5sum checksum """ # let's skip weird stuff if is_special_folder(fileName): return "" if not stat.S_ISREG( os.stat(fileName).st_mode ): # probably a socket, fifo, or similar return "" if fileType == 'ELF' and prelink: #let's use prelink for the md5sum #TODO what if isPrelink fails (temp, returncode) = utils.getOutputAsList([prelink, '-y', '--md5', fileName]) if returncode == 0: return temp[0].split()[0] else: #undoing prelinking failed for some reasons pass try: # ok let's do standard md5sum fd=open(fileName) md=md5() md.update( fd.close() return md.hexdigest() except IOError: #file not found return None
[docs]class Sergeant: """ Given an already existent Swirl: - it detects if it can run on this system (:meth:`check`) - it detects what has been changed (:meth:`checkHash`) - print this swirl on the screen (:meth:`print_swirl`) - print this swirl as a dot file for Graphviz (:meth:`getDotFile`) :type swirl: :class:`FingerPrint.swirl.Swirl` :param swirl: The Swirl that we want to test :type extraPath: list :param extraPath: a list of string containing system path which should be included in the search of dependencies """ def __init__(self, swirl, extraPath=[]): self.swirl = swirl self.extraPath = extraPath self.error = [] self.missingDeps = set()
[docs] def setFilename(self, filename): """TODO remove this function""" self.filename = filename
[docs] def setExtraPath(self, path): """ These paths will be added to the search list when looking for dependency, they overwrite the extraPath passed at the constructor :type path: string :param path: a string containing a list of path separated by : """ self.extraPath = path.split(':')
[docs] def check(self): """ It performs the check on the system and verifies that all the dependencies of this Swirl can be satisfied. :rtype: bool :return: True if the check passes False otherwise. The list of missing dependencies can be retrieved with :meth:`getError` """ returnValue = True # this method of using rpath is not totaly correct but it's faster # so for the moment we have to live with this for swF in self.swirl.execedFiles: rpath = swF.rpaths + self.extraPath + utils.getLDLibraryPath(swF.env) for swf_dep in [swF] + self.swirl.getListSwirlFilesDependentStatic(swF): for dep in swf_dep.staticDependencies: if not PluginManager.getPathToLibrary(dep, rpath = rpath): self.missingDeps.add(dep) returnValue = False for dynamic_dep in swF.dynamicDependencies: if not os.path.exists(dynamic_dep.path): self.missingDeps = self.missingDeps.union(dynamic_dep.provides) returnValue = False return returnValue
[docs] def checkHash(self, verbose=False): """ It checks if any dependency was modified since the swirl file creation (using checksumming) :type verbose: bool :param verbose: if True it will generate more verbose error message :rtype: bool :return: True if the check passes False otherwise. The list of modified dependencies can be retrieved with :meth:getError() """ self.error = [] pathCache = [] returnValue = True for dep in self.swirl.getDependencies(): path = PluginManager.getPathToLibrary(dep) if not path: # error ` tmpStr = str(dep) if verbose: tmpStr += " unable to find its file" self.error.append(tmpStr) returnValue = False continue if path in pathCache: #we already did this file continue hash = getHash(path, dep.type) pathCache.append(path) swirlProvider = self.swirl.getSwirlFileByProv(dep) if not swirlProvider: self.error.append("SwirlFile has unresolved dependency " + str(dep) \ + " the hash can not be verified") returnValue = False if hash != swirlProvider.md5sum : tmpStr = str(dep) if verbose: tmpStr += " wrong hash (computed " + hash + " originals " + \ swirlProvider.md5sum + ")" self.error.append(tmpStr) returnValue = False return returnValue
[docs] def searchModules(self): """ It searches for missing dependencies using the 'module' command line. :meth:`check` should be called before this :rtype: string :return: with a human readable list of module which can satisfy missing dependencies """ # loop through all the modules retDict = {} (output, retval) = utils.getOutputAsList(["bash", "-c", "module -t avail 2>&1"]) if retval: print "Unable to run module command, verify it\'s in the path." return "" for module in output : # in the output there are some paths! remove them e.g. "/opt/module/blabla:" if ':' in module: continue # remove (default) module = module.split("(default)")[0] (output, retval) = utils.getOutputAsList(["bash", "-c", "module show " + module + " 2>&1"]) if retval: #print "Unable to fetch module information: \'module show " + module + "\'" # all module which depend on another module return 1 pass for line in output: if 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in line: # we found another path to scan path = line.split('LD_LIBRARY_PATH')[1] path = [i.strip() for i in path.split(":")] #strip PluginManager.systemPath = path # update path for dep in self.missingDeps: if PluginManager.getPathToLibrary(dep, False): #we found a candidate for this missing dependency if module not in retDict: retDict[module] = [] retDict[module].append(dep.getName()) retStr = "" for mod in retDict: retStr += " " + mod + " satisfies " num_deps = len(retDict[mod]) if num_deps == len(self.missingDeps): retStr += "all " retStr += "" + str(num_deps) + " dependencies:\n" # print the deps retStr += " " + "\n ".join(retDict[mod]) + "\n" return retStr
[docs] def print_swirl(self, verbosity): """ return a string with the representation of this swirl :type verbosity: int :param verbosity: various verbosity level see :meth:`FingerPrint.swirl.Swirl.printVerbose` :rtype: string :return: a human readable representation of this Swirl """ return self.swirl.printVerbose(verbosity)
[docs] def checkDependencyPath(self, fileName): """ it returns a list of SwirlFiles which requires the given fileName, if the given file is not required in this swirl it returns an empty list [] :type fileName: string :param fileName: a path to a file :rtype: list :return: a list of :class:`FingerPrint.swirl.SwirlFile` required by the fileName """ returnFilelist = [] for execSwirlFile in self.swirl.execedFiles: for swDepFile in self.swirl.getListSwirlFilesDependentStaticAndDynamic(execSwirlFile): if fileName in swDepFile.getPaths(): returnFilelist.append(execSwirlFile.path) return returnFilelist
[docs] def getDotFile(self): """ return a dot representation of this swirl :rtype: string :return: a string with the dot representation of this swirl """ clusterExec = [] clusterSoname = set() clusterLinker = set() clusterPackage = [] newDependencies = [] connections = "" for execedSwirlFile in self.swirl.execedFiles: clusterExec.append( getShortPath( execedSwirlFile.path ) ) dependenciesDict = execedSwirlFile.getDependenciesDict() for soname in dependenciesDict: # get the dep which satisfy the soname depSwf = self.swirl.getListSwirlFileProvide( [dependenciesDict[soname][0]] )[0] newDependencies.append(depSwf) fileName = getShortPath(depSwf.path) # depName is soname\nversion1\nversion2\nversion3 etc. depNameStr = '"' + soname + '"' # swirlfile -> soname connections += ' ' + getShortPath(execedSwirlFile.path) connections += ' -> ' + depNameStr + ';\n' # soname -> Filename newConnection = ' ' + depNameStr newConnection += ' -> ' + fileName + ';\n' if newConnection not in connections: connections += newConnection # filename -> packagename if depSwf.package : packageName = '"' + depSwf.package.split()[0] + '"' newConnection = ' ' + fileName newConnection += ' -> ' + packageName + ';\n' if newConnection not in connections: connections += newConnection else: packageName = None colorStr = self._getColor(packageName, clusterPackage) # these are sets so no need to check for duplicate clusterSoname.add(depNameStr + colorStr) clusterLinker.add(fileName + colorStr ) #TODO secondary dependencies #for swf in newDependencies: for dynDep in execedSwirlFile.dynamicDependencies: # create a dynamic dependencies fileName = getShortPath(dynDep.path) # swirlfile -> synDepPath connections += ' ' + getShortPath(execedSwirlFile.path) connections += ' -> ' + fileName + ';\n' if dynDep.package : packageName = '"' + dynDep.package.split()[0] + '"' newConnection = ' ' + fileName newConnection += ' -> ' + packageName + ';\n' if newConnection not in connections: connections += newConnection else: packageName = None colorStr = self._getColor(packageName, clusterPackage) # these are sets so no need to check for duplicate clusterSoname.add(depNameStr + colorStr) clusterLinker.add(fileName + colorStr ) retString = "digraph FingerPrint {\n rankdir=LR;nodesep=0.15; ranksep=0.1; fontsize=26;label =\"" retString += + " " + self.swirl.getDateString() if self.swirl.cmdLine : retString += ' \\"' + self.swirl.cmdLine.replace('"','\\"') + '\\"' retString += "\";\n" retString += " labelloc=top;\n" # execution section retString += ' {\n' retString += ' rank=same;\n' retString += ' "Execution Domain" [shape=none fontsize=26];\n' retString += ' node [shape=hexagon fontsize=16];\n' retString += ' ' + string.join(clusterExec, ';\n ') + ";\n" retString += " }\n" # linker section retString += ' subgraph cluster_linker {\n' retString += ' label="";\n' retString += ' "Linker Domain" [shape=none fontsize=26];\n' retString += ' node [style=filled colorscheme=set312 fontsize=16];\n' retString += ' {rank=same;\n' retString += ' ' + string.join(clusterSoname, ';\n ') + ';\n' retString += ' }\n {rank=same;\n' retString += ' ' + string.join(clusterLinker, ';\n ') + ';\n' retString += " }\n }\n" # pakcage section retString += ' {\n' retString += ' rank=same;\n' retString += ' "Package Domain" [shape=none style="" fontsize=26];\n' retString += ' node [shape=box style=filled colorscheme=set312 fontsize=16];\n' retString += ' ' + string.join(clusterPackage, ';\n ') + ';\n' retString += ' }\n' retString += ' "Execution Domain" -> "Linker Domain" -> "Package Domain" [style=invis];\n' retString += connections retString += "\n}" return retString
def _getColor(self, packageName, clusterPackage): """return the color number associated with the given packageName""" # need to get the index of the color scheme for this package # which is also the index of the clusterPackage list if not packageName: #no package get gray return " [color=\"gray\"]" colorIndex = 0 for index, package in enumerate(clusterPackage): if packageName in package: # color scheme312 has 12 colors in it colorIndex = (index % 12) + 1 break if colorIndex == 0: # we need have a new color colorIndex = (len(clusterPackage) % 12) + 1 clusterPackage.append(packageName + " [color=\"%d\"]" % colorIndex ) colorStr = " [color=\"%d\"]" % colorIndex return colorStr
[docs] def getError(self): """ After running check or checkHash it return a list of the problems found :rtype: list :return: a lit of strings with all the problems encountered """ return [ i.getName() for i in self.missingDeps] + self.error
[docs] def getSwirl(self): """ return the current swirl :rtype: :class:`FingerPrint.swirl.Swirl` :return: the current swirl """ return self.swirl